I r a k I r a q
reisboeken en landkaarten
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* H
ANN, Geoff & Karen Dabrowska -
Iraq, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (3e ed. jan.2022),
ISBN 9781784774745, paperback,
440 blz., bevat 25 kaarten/plattegronden, formaat
13,5X21,5cm, €25,90
This thoroughly updated third edition of Bradt’s Iraq remains the only dedicated guide to this ancient land. Up-to-date travel information is included, plus all the necessary safety details. Ideal for both armchair and in-destination travel, it covers history, archaeology and culture, including iconic sites such as Babylon and Ur, the stunning architecture of the country’s mosques, the natural beauty and wildlife of the Marshes and beautiful Iraqi handicrafts. New for this edition are more archaeological sites in the south, including Telloh and Charax Sparinou, Alexander the Great’s port city. Muslim sites and festivals are covered, as is the influence of Shia Islam and the geo-politics of the region.
The modern development of Iraq is starting to look exciting and after years in which ancient sites have suffered destruction and neglect, archaeologists are now breaking new grounds and making new discoveries. Iraq’s rich and inspirational history is easily forgotten in the tragic turmoil of recent years. This is where writing began and where zero was introduced into mathematics. Although parts of the country remain off limits to tourists, there is plenty to see elsewhere, from Kurdistan’s capital, Erbil, one of the world’s oldest inhabited cities, to the dazzling shrines of Kerbala, Najaf and Kufa, ruins of ancient Mesopotamian cities, sites of recent US military history such as Fallujah, and the grave of Gertrude Bell, who explored, mapped and excavated the world of the Arabs and provided military intelligence for TE Lawrence’s military activities. You can visit the Tombs of the Iraqi Royal family and Ctesiphon, the largest free-standing brick archway in the world, see archaeological proof of the great flood, mentioned in the Bible and the Gilgamesh, and discover the treasures of the National Museum of Iraq.
The authors bring their considerable knowledge and understanding of Iraq to provide all the practical and background information needed for a successful trip. Advice on cultural awareness and religious sensitivity in the context of Iraqi history, along with where to get the latest information on which parts of the country you can still visit, make this an invaluable guide.
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* B
IJL, Yvonne van der -
Reizen in Zuid (Iraaks) Koerdistan, uitg.: Van der Bijl (2023),
ISBN 9789469411619, paperback,
144 blz., €20,00
Reizen in Zuid (Iraaks) Koerdistan is het eerste reishandboek over de autonome regio Koerdistan in Irak. Deze regio werd in 2005 autonoom en is momenteel een van de meest veilige in het Midden-Oosten. De auteur heeft deze regio vanaf 2007 regelmatig bezocht. Ze reisde met Koerdische vrienden en bekenden ettelijke kilometers door het prachtige berglandschap om de vele bezienswaardigheden te ontdekken. De tekst is geïllustreerd met meer dan 100 eigen foto’s.
Het boek is ook een cultuurgids en geeft informatie over diverse aspecten van de Koerdische cultuur: textiel, talen, literatuur, religies, kleding, muziek, dansen en de Koerdische keuken. Natuurlijk komen ook de steden, het schilderachtige landschap en de interessante archeologie aan de orde.
Yvonne van der Bijl is een ervaren reisauteur over landen en regio’s in Latijns-Amerika en het Midden-Oosten. Ze schreef reishandboeken over Guatemala, Bolivia, Marokko, Iran en Zuid (Iraaks) Koerdistan.
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* E
BIZ Guides -
Kurdistan: Region of Iraq, uitg.: Ebiz Guides (okt. 2014),
ISBN 9788493816995, paperback, ca.192 blz.,
eBizguides aims to provide on-the-ground information about the country economic performance, the main investment opportunities and acute business intelligence research about who are the leaders and influencers of the country and which are the top 100 companies. All you need to know about doing business in a country and in a unique publication that also includes a small tourism guide. eBizguides are the world's leading business intelligence guidebooks.
The Northern Region of Iraq is home to the nation's Kurdish population - a minority which suffered horrendous oppression under Saddam Hussein's regime. Today it has emerged from its troubled history to become the most prosperous part of the country and indeed a beacon to the surrounding region. Its substantial oil reserves, coupled with stable and practical political management, have resulted in a safe working environment.
Increasing numbers of business travellers and expatriates, augmented by a flow of adventure travellers who come to experience the dramatic mountain landscapes, will provide a strong market for this, the only, travel guide to Kurdistan.
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* SH
AWKAT, Sara -
Noomi: de keuken van Irak, uitg.: Fontaine (aug.2022),
ISBN 9789464041163, gebonden, 256 blz., formaat
19,5X27cm, €33,99
In Noomi laat Sara Shawkat je de wereld van de nog zo onbelichte keuken van Irak zien - misschien wel de grootste hidden gem uit de Levantijnse regio. Sara leert je de Iraakse klassiekers maar ook varianten en specials, afgewisseld met verhalen over eettradities en de culinaire rivaliteit tussen haar en haar moeder.
Ze laat je kennismaken met bijzondere ingrediënten waaronder noomi; de gedroogde limoen die volgens Sara het hart van de Iraakse keuken vormt. Verlekker je aan comforting stoofgerechten als marqat bamye; een tomatenstoof van okra, en steel de show met culinaire spektakelstukken zoals cheesy kunafe met knisperend engelenhaar.
Haal de straten van Bagdad in huis met ijskoud tamarindesap of met kubbeh't halab, krokante rijstdumplings met auberginevulling. Met dit boek zet iedereen - van kersverse foodies tot doorgewinterde Arabische wifeys - de lekkerste Iraakse gerechten op tafel.
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* World Mapping Project,
Irak & Kuwait 1:850.000, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump,
ISBN 9783831773350, €11,95
* ITM, International Travel Map, Iraq & Bagdad 1:1.200.000/1:25.000, ISBN 9781553412366, €13,95
* GIZI-Maps, Iraq 1:1.750.000, ISBN 9789632042992, €15,90
* Gecko Maps, plattegrond Baghdad/Bagdad en omgeving 1:9.000/25.000, ISBN 9783906593364, €15,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *