D u b a i & Abu Dhabi
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten UAE
reisboeken en landkaarten
travel guides and maps
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* A
ANWB extra: Dubai, uitg.:
ANWB (april 2022),
ISBN 9789018049263, paperback,
132 blz., €15,50
Ontdek Dubai met de compleet vernieuwde reisgids ANWB Extra Dubai! De 340 dagen zon per jaar, betoverende lange zandstranden aan de Perzische Golf, de avontuurlijke woestijn direct voor de deur en de gigantische shoppingmalls, maken Dubai tot dé bestemming voor een leuke citytrip.
De compacte ANWB Extra reisgids Dubai biedt naast veel praktische tips over hotels en vervoer ook 15 inspirerende bezienswaardigheden die je niet mag missen. Bezoek de Jumeirah Mosque (volgens velen de mooiste van Dubai), overnacht in een Bedoeïenentent in de woestijn en ga op zoek naar goud en kruiden in de vele soeks.
Deze kleine reisgids past gemakkelijk in de handtas en heeft een handige uitneembare kaart met daarop de beste tips voor overnachten, winkelen, eten en drinken en uitgaan.
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* C
Dubai & Abu Dhabi Top 10, uitg.: Van Reemst (jan.2024),
ISBN 9789000392186, paperback,
128 blz., geheel in kleur op luxe papier, bevat vele kleurenillustraties, €14,99
Luxueuze steden. In de emiraten Dubai en Abu Dhabi, de rijkste en machtigste stadsstaten van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, zijn vele bezienswaardigheden te bewonderen. In Dubai vind je schitterende stranden, drukke soeks en luxueuze winkelcentra. Het prachtige Corniche en het chique Emirates Palacehotel in Abu Dhabi mogen niet worden overgeslagen. Een bezoek aan de Emiraten is niet compleet zonder een bezoek aan de woestijn, bijvoorbeeld in de betoverende resorts van Al Maha of Bab Al Shams. De reisgids brengt je direct naar de beste attracties die deze fascinerende steden te bieden heeft. Of je nu op zoek bent naar de beste kuuroorden, de gezelligste winkels of de indrukwekkendste overdekte attracties, deze reisgids is je perfecte metgezel. De gids is onderverdeeld in vijf gebieden en staat bol van de hoogtepunten, praktische tips, gedetailleerde kaarten en met daarbij prachtige illustraties. Ook heeft de reisgids Dubai & Abu Dhabi een handige uitneembare kaart. Op deze kaart staan bovendien vele tips als manieren om als sjeik te leven en wat je kunt doen om de hitte te ontvluchten.
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* D
EUREN, Greet van -
Dominicus: Oman, Dubai en Abu Dhabi, uitg.: Gottmer (8e ed.okt.2024),
ISBN 9789025769055, paperback, ca.
298 blz., formaat ca.
13,5X21cm, €25,99
Het sultanaat Oman en de emiraten Abu Dhabi en Dubai staan garant voor een unieke en boeiende reiservaring, boordevol fascinerende contrasten. Oman heeft het authentieke en traditionele verweven met een vleugje luxe. De emiraten zijn
bruisende oorden aan de Perzische Golf met schitterende hotelpaleizen en onvoorstelbare shopmogelijkheden.
Sinds eeuwen is de regio een handelscentrum tussen Oost en West. Nu liggen moderne wereldsteden naast eeuwenoude stadjes en verstilde lemen dorpen; kamelen en limousines kruisen elkaar op de weg.
Ook het landschap biedt variëteit: het noorden is bergachtig met valleien en oases, de zuidelijke vruchtbare uitlopers van het Hajjargebergte worden omringd door eindeloze grindvlakten en zandwoestijnen, terwijl de kusten prachtige stranden en rotsbaaien hebben.
Greet Van Deuren is verbonden aan de Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en geschiedenis in Brussel. Ze reisde meermalen naar het Midden-Oosten.
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Insight Guide Oman & The UAE, uitg.: APA Publications (4e ed.dec.2019),
ISBN 9781786718273, gebonden [flexicover],
272 blz.,
This brand new edition of the Insight Guide to Oman and the UAE features illuminating text written by expert, local writers alongside inspiring full-colour photography that brings both countries to life, at the turn of a page. The top attractions are highlighted to help you plan your trip priorities, including the commercial shopping hotspot of Dubai, Al Ain oasis, Liwa and the Empty Quarter, Jabrin Castle, and Wahiba Sands. Brand new 'Best of' sections feature recommendations on many experiences exclusive to Oman and the UAE such as the best souqs to visit for a taste of pre-oil Arabia, the most ambitious architecture worth seeing, and the best activities for those travelling with children. An in-depth 'Places' section covers the entire country of Oman, region by region, and all seven cities of the emirates. All the principal sites are cross-referenced by number to the accompanying full-colour maps found throughout the guide, whilst additional maps inside the front and back covers enable instant orientation and easy navigation at a glance. Colour-coded sections and information panels explore Oman and the UAE's intriguing history and provide fascinating features on everything from 'Daily Life' and 'The Bedu', to 'Camel Racing' and 'Wadi-bashing'. A comprehensive 'Travel Tips' section provides essential practical information, covering transport, visas, accommodation for all budgets, eating out, climate, shopping, language and much more, along with useful contact telephone numbers to help you book activities in advance. The unique combination of insightful exploration alongside practical advice means that this guide truly is a pleasure to read before, during and after your visit.

* K
ABASCI, Kirstin -
CityTrip: Dubai: Reiseführer mit Stadtplan und kostenloser Web-App, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (7e ed. 2023),
ISBN 9783831736614, paperback,
144 blz., geheel in kleur, bevat uitneembare stadsplattegrond, uitvoerig register,
[Duitstalig] €15,95
Dubai - die Stadt der Superlative mit diesem kompakten Reiseführer individuell erleben. Das Buch begleitet Kurzurlauber und Stopover-Flugreisende beim Erkunden orientalischer Gassen und hypermoderner Architektur-Highlights. Dank der Fülle an Informationen kann man die Dynamik der Stadt aktiv erfahren, erstklassig entspannen, ausgiebig shoppen, vielfältigst speisen oder sich kulturell bilden. Infos zu Stadtentwicklung und -struktur werden ergänzt durch Einblicke in den Lebensalltag. Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen zur Reisepraxis runden diesen nützlichen Stadtführer ab. Der beiliegende Stadtplan (Faltplan zum Herausnehmen) ist topaktuell und bezieht sich konkret auf die im Buch genannten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Adressen.
Aus dem Inhalt: Praktische Reisetipps von A bis Z. Dubai entdecken: Ausführliche Beschreibungen der Highlights in den alten wie auch den neuen Stadtquartieren. Nachvollziehbare Rundgänge zu den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten für alle, die nur ein Wochenende Zeit haben. Unterkünfte von nobel bis preiswert: gründlich vor Ort recherchiert und ausführlich kommentiert.
Dazu: kostenlose Web-App für Smartphone, Tablet und PC mit Stadtplan- und Satellitenansichten passend zum Text, Routenführung zu allen beschriebenen Sehenswürdigkeiten, Verlauf des Stadtspaziergangs, seitenbezogenen Updates nach Redaktionsschluss sowie einem Mini-Audiotrainer Arabisch.
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* L
Dubai Pocket (7e ed.okt.2024),
ISBN 9781838698836, pocketformaat,
160 blz., formaat ca.
10,5X15,5cm, €13,90
Lonely Planet's Pocket Dubai is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you.
Explore culture and architecture in the historic district, shop at the world’s largest mall, or explore the chaos and charm of the Gold Souq; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of the best of Dubai and begin your journey now!
Full-colour maps and images throughout. Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests. Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices. Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss.
Free, convenient pull-out Dubai map (included in print version), plus over 14 colour neighbourhood maps. User-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhoods to help you determine the best spots to spend your time.
Covers: Burj Khalifa, Madinat Jumeirah, the Gold Souq, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Museum, Al Fahidi Historic District, Dubai Mall and more.
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* L
Dubai & Abu Dhabi, uitg.: Lonely Planet (11e ed. mrt.2024),
ISBN 9781838697280, paperback,
240 blz.,
32 maps, €23,90
Dubai and Abu Dhabi pulse with verve, ambition and the ability to dream up and realise the most extreme of projects: the world’s tallest building, a palm-tree-shaped island and the world’s fastest roller coaster. Visiting these cities feels like a trip to the future.
Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice:
inspirational images, city walks and recommendations from our expert authors, planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip, local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique, plus a detailed shopping guide, info on the best dining options and a feature on travelling with children.
Coverage Includes: Planning chapters, Deira, Bur Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road, Jumeirah, New Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Day Trips, Understand and Survival chapters.
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* L
ONELY PLANET - Abu Dhabi Pocket (2e ed. sep.2019),
ISBN 9781786570765, paperback,
160 blz., bevat
17 kaarten/plattegronden, €12,90
Promenade along the waterfront Corniche, tour the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, or relax at a sheesha cafe; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of the best of Abu Dhabi and begin your journey now! Full-colour maps and images throughout.
Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests.
Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots. Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices. Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss.
Free, convenient pull-out Abu Dhabi map (included in print version), plus over eight colour neighbourhood maps. User-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhoods to help you determine the best spots to spend your time.
Covers: Al Markaziyah, Tourist Club Area, Al Khadiya, Breakwater, Yas Island and more.
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* R
OUGH GUIDES - The Rough Guide to Dubai (5e ed. sep.2024),
ISBN 9781835290460, paperback,
224 blz., €21,90
The Rough Guide to Dubai is the ultimate travel guide to one of the world’s most exciting cities. Discover Dubai’s highlights with stunning photography, colour-coded maps, handpicked listings and in-depth coverage of all the attractions. You’ll find detailed practical advice on what to see and do – from going up the world’s tallest building or taking afternoon tea in the iconic Burj al Arab to exploring the traditional souks and heritage houses of Deira and Bur Dubai – as well as honest reviews of all the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops in every price range, from seven-star palaces to cutprice curry houses.
Whether you have time to browse detailed chapters or need fast-fix itineraries and lists of top sights and attractions, The Rough Guide to Dubai has everything you need for a perfect trip.
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* W
ALSH, John & & Jessica Hill -
UAE Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, uitg.: Kuperard (2e ed.2018),
ISBN 9781857338744, pocket,
168 blz., formaat
171x108x13mm, €14,95
Culture Smart! UAE introduces you to the history and culture of the Emiratis, tells you what to embrace and what to avoid, and smooths your path toward full enjoyment of a fascinating experience.
The United Arab Emirates, on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Gulf, is at once one of the most conservative societies in the world and one of the most forward-looking. Only a couple of generations ago it was a poor desert land, a confederation of tribal sheikhdoms on the periphery of the Arab world, subsisting on pearl-diving and fishing. It was a British protectorate until independence in 1971, after which seven of the sheikhdoms, or emirates, united to form a federation, the UAE.
The discovery of oil in the 1950s transformed the country’s fortunes. New industries alongside oil and gas include banking, media, asset management, and tourism. Yet the UAE retains its moderate Islamic identity, and the rhythm of daily life is accompanied by the cadences of the muezzin’s calls to prayer, in the shade of the many mosques.
Traveling to or living in the UAE is likely to involve moving beyond your cultural comfort zone, but do so and you will find a people whose embrace of modernity is exhilarating, and whose effort to combine the ancient and the modern is an intriguing example of globalization in action. Together with the legendary Arabic sense of hospitality and generosity, this makes the UAE an extremely rewarding place to visit. Culture Smart! UAE aims to demystify culture and values of the Emiratis, opening up the reader up to a more enriched travel experience.
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* L
Oman, UAE & Arabian Peninsula Travel Guide, uitg.: Lonely Planet (6e ed.okt.2019),
ISBN 9781786574862, paperback,
596 blz., bevat
76 kaarten/plattegronden, [Engelstalig], €26,90
The spectacular emptiness of the Arabian landscape provides a blank canvas upon which is projected a riot of cultural, religious, intellectual and trading wonders.
Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Oman, UAE & Arabian Peninsula, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice:
inspirational images, 3D illustrations, city walks and recommendations from our expert authors
planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip
local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique
plus a planning feature for expats, details on the hajj experience and Islam in Arabia, and floorplan of Mecca’s Grand Mosque
Coverage includes: Planning chapters, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Understand and Survival chapters.
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* A
SPINALL, Simon & Richard Porter -
Helm Field Guides:
Birds of the United Arab Emirates, uitg.: Bloomsbury Publishing
PLC (mrt.2020),
ISBN 9781472982575, paperback,
240 blz.,
102 colour plates, €42,30
The UAE is an increasingly popular tourist destination, with a good infrastructure for visitors. This new field guide is based on the bestselling Birds of the Middle East (2nd edition) and covers all the birds of these Gulf states. The new text written by Simon Aspinall and Richard Porter is specific to the Gulf, and new maps are provided for all breeding birds and regular visitors. The plates are recomposed from Birds of the Middle East, with three extra plates of introduced species.
Simon Aspinall has lived in the UAE since 1993, pursuing his professional interests in conservation and ecology throughout the Middle East and Caucasus. He has published extensively on natural history, especially within Arabia and with an emphasis on birds; traveling widely in that quest he has probably seen more species in the region than any other modern-day birder. Richard Porter has been involved with birds in the Middle East since 1966 and is an adviser on bird conservation for BirdLife International. He is the author or co-author of several books on the Middle East and the groundbreaking Flight Identification of European Raptors.
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landkaarten en plattegronden

* World Mapping Project,
United Arab Emirates, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, 1:470.000/1:80.000,
ISBN 9783831772711, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (2014),
Deelkaarten: Verenigde Arabische Emiraten 1:470.000; Dubai 1:80.000; Dubai City Centre 1:15.000; Abu Dhabi 1:50.000; staatkundige overzichtskaart van de VAE.
* ITMB, Dubai & UAE, uitg.: ITMB (2019), ISBN 9781771292337, €13,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel Interglobe, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *