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reisboeken en landkaarten
travel guides & maps
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* A
SAL, Susanne -
Chili Paaseiland ANWB wereldreisgids, uitg.: ANWB (aug.2022),
ISBN 9789018049607, paperback,
436 blz., €29,50
De ANWB Wereldreisgids Chili & Paaseiland is een complete en praktische reisgids voor jouw droomvakantie door Chili en Paaseiland. Chili, het land van stille natuur en verstedelijking, bossen en woestijnen, maar ook studentikoze kunstenaarsmilieus, boerenfeesten, wijngaarden en een eindeloze sterrenhemel. Paaseiland is het meest geïsoleerde, bewoonde eiland ter wereld en beroemd om zijn ruim 1000 stenen beelden en spectaculaire, ruige landschap. De uitgebreide Chili & Paaseiland reisgids telt meer dan 400 pagina’s boordevol hoogtepunten, originele tips, schitterende wandelroutes en alles over de achtergronden van land en volk. Daarnaast alle praktische informatie zoals openingstijden van musea, tips voor overnachtingen en vervoerstijden. Inclusief stadsplattegronden, overzichtskaarten en achterin een uitneembare kaart.
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* B
Patagonia: including the Falkland Islands, uitg.: Moon|Avalon (5e ed.2017),
ISBN 9781631216312, paperback,
608 blz., €24,90
What You’ll Find in Moon Patagonia: Expert author and world traveler Wayne Bernhardson shares his perspective on his favorite place on earth. Full-color guidebook with vibrant, helpful photos. Detailed directions and maps for getting around and exploring on your own.
Strategic itineraries, including The Best of Patagonia, Wildlife Encounters, Explore the Natural World, Glacier Gazing, and Classic Patagonia Road Trips. Activities and ideas for every traveler: Hike the glacier of Perito Moreno National Park, or glimpse Patagonia’s pre-Colombian past at Cueva de las Manos. See penguins and marine mammals off the coast of the Falkland Islands, or visit Chile’s lakes district, home to the Mapuche people. Savor authentic asado at a local ranch, and go horseback riding through the Torres mountains. Sample seafood in Santiago, or take in tango in Buenos Aires.
In-depth coverage for Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Northern Argentine Patagonia, The Chilean Lakes District, Aisén and Continental Chiloé, Southern Argentine Patagonia, Magallanes, Argentine Tierra del Fuego, and the Falkland Islands.
Accurate information, including background on the landscape, culture, history, and environment. Handy tools such as travel tips and safety information in an easy-to-navigate format, all packaged in a book light enough to fit in your daypack.
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* E
YEWITNESS Travel Guide -
Chile & Easter Island, uitg.: Dorling Kindersley (nov.2022),
ISBN 9780241568941, paperback,
352 blz., €21,90
The DK Eyewitness Chile & Easter Island Travel Guide is your indispensable guide to this beautiful part of the world. The fully updated guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the must-see sites, plus street-by-street maps of all the fascinating cities and towns. The new-look guide is also packed with photographs and illustrations leading you straight to the best attractions on offer. The uniquely visual DK Eyewitness Travel guide will help you to discover everything region-by-region; from local festivals and markets to day trips around the countryside. Detailed listings will guide you to the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets, whilst detailed practical information will help you to get around, whether by train, bus or car. Plus, DK's excellent insider tips and essential local information will help you explore every corner of Chile & Easter Island effortlessly.
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* S
IEBER, Malte -
Chile und die Osterinsel, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump (10e ed.2019/20),
ISBN 9783831731664, paperback,
744 blz.,
[Duitstalig] €25,90
De Chili-reisgids van Reise Know-How - uitgebreid, betrokken en actueel:
Bezoek met de auteur Santiago, de hoofdstad van Chili en het populaire uitgaansgebied Bellavista met zijn restaurants, cafés, bars en met bomen omzoomde straten. Bezoek de huizen van de nationale dichter Pablo Neruda in Santiago, Valparaíso en Isla Negra. Blicken Sie bei der Besteigung des Villarrica in einen Feuer spuckenden Vulkan. Erleben Sie einen der schönsten Sonnenuntergänge im Valle de la Luna, dem Tal des Mondes, bei San Pedro de Atacama, wo Türme und Figuren aus Sand, Salz und Lehm eine beeindruckende Dünenlandschaft gebildet haben. Staunen Sie über den klaren Nachthimmel über der Wüste bei La Serena und die Pinguinkolonien in der Nähe von Punta Arenas. Machen Sie einen Abstecher auf die Osterinsel, 3800 Kilometer weit draußen im Südpazifik, deren riesige Steinfiguren, die Moai, bis heute Rätsel aufgeben.
Wer Chile individuell entdecken möchte, findet in diesem Reisehandbuch ausführliche Informationen zur Geschichte und Kultur des Landes und zu allen sehenswerten Orten. Die gesondert gekennzeichneten Highlights und die hervorgehobenen Tipps des Autors - auch für besonders kinderfreundliche und nachhaltige Angebote und Aktivitäten - erleichtern die Reiseplanung ebenso wie konkrete Routenvorschläge und ein 40 Seiten umfassendes Outdoor-Kapitel mit Hinweisen zu zahlreichen Sportarten. Über 60 Pläne und Karten, ein ausführliches Register und eine kleine Sprachhilfe Spanisch vereinfachen die Orientierung.
Folgende Highlights sollten Sie auf keinen Fall verpassen: die Hauptstadt Santiago de Chile und Umgebung, die Hafenstadt Valparaíso, die Atacama-Wüste, Puerto Varas im Seengebiet, Punta Arenas und Umgebung in Südpatagonien, Feuerland, die Naturparks der Anden und die Insel Chiloé.
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* G
RAHAM, Melissa & Andrew Benson -
The Rough Guide to Chile, uitg.: Rough Guides (8e ed. sep.2023),
ISBN 9781839058561, paperback,
528 blz., bevat 84 landkaarten/plattegronden, €24,90
The new full-colour Rough Guide to Chile is the ultimate travel guide to this fascinating country, with expert coverage of all the best attractions, suggested itineraries to help you plan your trip and evocative photos that bring the destination to life. Discover the highlights of this year-round destination with the latest information on trekking in Parque National Torres del Paine, wine tasting in the Central Valleys, exploring intriguing Easter Island and star-gazing in San Pedro de Atacama. Enjoy incisive, up-to-date reviews of the best accommodation, restaurants, bars, clubs and shops for all budgets, and detailed practical advice on Chile’s diverse outdoor activities, from rafting the mighty Río Futaleufú to horse riding around Santiago. With comprehensive colour maps and expert information on the country’s superb food and drink, culture, history, art and architecture, The Rough Guide to Chile will ensure you don’t miss a thing.
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* I
Insight Guide: Chili & Paaseiland, uitg.: Cambium (2008),
ISBN 9789066551633, paperback,
364 blz., bevat
250 kleurenfoto's en
16 kaarten/plattegronden,
In de eerste hoofdstukken leest u alles over de veelbewogen geschiedenis en karakteristieken zoals 'De Mapuches', 'De keuken van Chili', 'Wijn uit Chili' en 'Actieve vakanties'. Vervolgens neemt deze gids u mee van de hoofdstad Santiago naar de weelderige bosgebieden en de droogste woestijn ter wereld. Van de spectaculaire gletsjers en fjorden naar de 'ring van vuur' langs de kust met meer dan 2000 vulkanen. Van de beroemde kopermijnen naar precolombiaanse ruïnes, en van de wijngaarden naar de groene Centrale Vallei.
Deze hoofdstukken worden afgewisseld met speciale themapagina's over onder andere 'Chilote-magie', 'rodeo', 'De verloren stammen', 'Spookstadjes' en 'De Atacamawoestijn'. De gedetailleerde kaarten en prachtige kleurenfoto's maken deze gids compleet. In het gedeelte 'Reisinformatie' vindt u alles over vervoer, accommodatie, restaurants, reisbenodigdheden, noodgevallen, gezondheid, toeristische tips, uitgaan, klimaat, winkelen, nuttige adressen en talloze andere wetenswaardigheden.
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* I
Insight Guide: Chile & Easter Island, uitg.: APA Publications (8e ed.nov.2019),
ISBN 9781789191578, paperback,
368 blz.,
[Engelstalig] €21,90
Insight Guide Chile & Easter Island is a comprehensive full-colour guide to the culture, history and people of this varied and fascinating country. The book is illustrated throughout with hundreds of specially commissioned colour photographs. Our inspirational Best of Chile section illustrates the country's highlights, from national parks to historic buildings and vineyards to hot springs - making sure you don't miss anything. Our unrivalled coverage of history and culture provides an essential introduction to Chile's... turbulent history, diverse geography, and rich music and culture. The informative text, written by regional experts, is a pleasure to read and accompanied by stunning photography. Colourful features offer a unique insight into many facets of this amazingly diverse country: boat cruises, rodeos, national parks and the spectacular Atacama Desert.
All major sights are cross-referenced with the maps, and the travel tips section provides a wealth of practical information on how to plan your trip, as well as carefully selected hotel and restaurant listings.
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* B
OX, Ben with Chris Wallace & Anna Maria Espsater -
Footprint Chile Handbook, uitg.: Footprint Handbooks (8e ed.juli 2016),
ISBN 9781910120958, paperback,
608 blz., bevat
52 landkaarten en plattegronden, €22,90
A place of extremes and contradictions, Chile is home to a bewilderingly diverse geography and climate. Footprint's Chile Handbook will guide you from the endless and eerie Atacama Desert in the north to the creaking, fractured glacial ice of the south, with beaches and rainforest to explore in between.
Great coverage of the top activities and sights in the region, including Easter Island, Chiloé, the wine routes, skiing, geysers and salt flats
Loaded with information and suggestions on how to get off the beaten track, from hiking volcanoes to whitewater rafting. Includes comprehensive information on everything from transport and practicalities to history, culture & landscape. Plus all the usual accommodation, eating and drinking listings for every budget. Full-colour planning section to inspire you and help you find the best experiences.
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* L
Chile & Rapa Nui (Easter Island), uitg.: Lonely Planet (12e ed. okt.2023),
ISBN 9781787016767, paperback,
384 blz., bevat ca.
97 landkaarten/plattegronden, €23,90
Chili bestaat uit natuur op een overweldigende schaal, maar reizen hier is verrassend eenvoudig als je niet al te veel haast hebt..
Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Chile & Easter Island, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice:
inspirational images, author recommendations and the best of local knowledge from our expert authors, planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip, local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique plus a Chile Outdoors planner, full details of national parks, a Chilean wine essay and coverage of Argentine Patagonia.
Coverage Includes: Santiago, Middle Chile, Southern Heartland, Archipielago Juan Fernandez, Norte Grande, Norte Chico, Sur Chico, Chiloé, Northern Patagonia, Southern Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Easter Island.
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* T
Chili en Paaseiland, uitg.: Lannoo (2011),
ISBN 9789020994049, paperback, 474 blz.,
De no-nonsensegids voor een allesomvattende trip. Praktische en overzichtelijke gids voor de zelfstandige reiziger die weet wat hij wil. Een uitgebreid aanbod van adresjes voor elk budget: slapen, eten, drinken, uitgaan en shoppen van goedkoop tot luxueus. Chili: land met vele gezichten: de extreem droge Atacamawoestijn in het noorden, vruchtbare valleien en groene bossen met meren in het centrum en indrukwekkende fjorden en gletsjers in het zuiden. Natuurliefhebbers en avontuurlijke trotters zullen hun hart ophalen in dit land van contrasten.
Kers op de taart: Paaseiland, een Chileense provincie in de Grote Oceaan. De kolossale beelden uit vulkanisch gesteente in het desolate landschap doen je ongetwijfeld duizelen.
wandel- en trekkinggidsen:

* A
BRAHAM, Rudolph -
Torres del Paine: A Trekker's Guide, uitg.: Cicerone (3e ed.nov.2023),
ISBN 9781786311719, paperback,
224 blz., €25,90
Guidebook to trekking Chile's 10 to 11-day Torres del Paine Circuit, one of the world's great treks. Also included are a shorter Half Circuit (4 to 5 days), further treks and day walks in the Torres del Paine and Los Glaciares National Parks, centred around Puerto Natales. Includes information on linking routes, travel and accommodation. A trekking guide with an emphasis on low-impact trekking. Routes include the Torres del Paine Circuit, Half Circuit, Laguna Verde, Rio Pingo, Laguna Azul and many others. This handy pocket-sized guidebook contains route descriptions for the 140km Torres del Paine Circuit and the W Circuit. The routes take 11 to 5 days respectively and are not technically difficult but can become dangerous in bad weather. No technical difficulties, but the Torres del Paine Circuit is a long and, at times, remote undertaking from which there is no convenient exit point half way through. Sudden changes in weather, gale force winds and torrential rain can turn it into a far more difficult undertaking. Also described are 2 multi-day treks and 4 day walks in the surrounding areas including Argentina's Los Glaciares.
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* SCHÖNFELD, Cindy & Kai Timo Schönfeld -
Chile Der Norden Wanderführer, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump (2015),
ISBN 9783831725892, paperback,
276 blz.,
20 Wandertouren und
10 Gipfeltouren,
[Duitstalig] €17,90
Neben den Wanderungen auf verschiedenen Höhenlagen enthält dieser Wander- und Bergführer eine Auswahl an Gipfelrouten hin zu den höchsten Vulkanen der Welt. Die beschriebenen Touren eignen sich zur Erkundung dieser extremen Region und auch zur Akklimatisierung, welche sich durch die Vielzahl an Routen und Anforderungen abwechslungsreich gestalten lässt. Kostenlose GPS-Tracks zum Download über die Webseite des Verlages
Das Buch spricht sowohl Wanderer an, die sich auf ein Abenteuer in extremer Trockenheit und völliger Abgeschiedenheit einlassen, als auch Bergsteiger, die die hohen Andenvulkane Nordchiles bezwingen wollen. Informationen zu Akklimatisierung, Ausrüstung, Besteigungsgenehmigungen und Orientierung werden ergänzt durch Hintergründe und Besonderheiten zur Kultur sowie zur Flora und Fauna der Atacama-Wüste.
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* LONELY PLANET - Trekking In the Patagonian Andes, uitg.: Lonely Planet (4e ed. nov 2009), ISBN 9781741044676, paperback, 308 blz., bevat 40 kaarten/plattegronden, UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
Our expert author has chosen the best of Patagonia's trekking, from the luxuriant rainforests of the Lakes District to the spectacular wildernesses of Tierra del Fuego. The book contains everything you need to know to get prepared, comprehensive listings for sleeping, eating and facilities along the way and advice on equipment, health and safety.

* R
YAN, Jim -
Aconcagua & the Southern Andes, uitg.: Cicerone (3e ed.2018),
ISBN 9781852849740, paperback,
192 blz., €23,90
Jim Ryan’s definitive guidebook to trekking and climbing Aconcagua, South America, summit of the Americas, from Santiago or Mendoza, via the Normal and Vacas Valley (Polish Glacier) routes, with trekking routes in the southern Andes of Argentina and Chile. Full information on trekking and climbing and using time in Santiago or Mendoza to prepare. At 6962m Aconcagua is one of the highest places accessible to ordinary mortals. This is the highest peak in the world outside the Himalayas. Full of practical information on climbing and trekking in the region, and suggestions for getting the best from stopovers in Santiago or Mendoza, this expanded new edition covers: •the Normal and Polish Glacier routes on Aconcagua •treks in the southern Andes, the Vallecitos and Tupungato ranges and the Maipo Volcano •the ascent of El Plomo near Santiago, the most popular 5000m mountain in the Andes •lots of advice on motivation and preparation •notes on exploring the local geology, wildlife and plant life and the people and their culture.
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* P
ERRONE, Caterina -
Culture Smart! Chile, The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, uitg.: Kuperard (2e ed.2018),
ISBN 9781857338737, paperback,
168 blz., €11,95
Chile is a land of contrast and surprise, flanked by the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Andes to the east, the forbidding salt basins of the Atacama Desert to the north—with a verdant Central Valley and Cape Horn at its southern extremity. The Chilean people, too, are surprising: on one hand reserved, family-oriented, Catholic, and conservative; and on the other fun-loving, entrepreneurial, neoliberal, and modern. Their geographical isolation from the rest of the world, their colonial past, and the near 20 years of repression under the military dictatorship of General Pinochet have had a profound influence on their character.
Today, traditional Chilean values are being questioned by the younger generation. In fact, the country's position as the Latin American stronghold of Catholicism is being challenged by Chileans of all generations, and pressure has led to unprecedented changes in family and censorship law. Chile is also one of the fastest-growing economies in South America, and thanks to ambitious structural reforms, has sharply reduced its poverty rate in the past few years. Culture Smart! Chile provides vital information on what to expect and how to behave in this complex and dynamic society.
The Chilean sense of humour can take you by surprise. Chileans are straight faced and particularly enjoy “pulling your leg.” Their jokes contrast subtly with their apparently reserved manner, and an inexperienced foreigner could easily be disoriented and take things at face value.
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* P
IÑA, Daniel E Martínez & Gonzalo E González Cifuentes -
Helm Field Guides: Birds of Chile, uitg.: Bloomsbury (april 2021),
ISBN 9781472970008, paperback,
224 blz.,
88 plates with colour illustrations, colour distribution maps, €42,50
Eighteen years after the first Helm Field Guide to Chile, Bloomsbury revisits this destination with a new team of authors.
With its diverse range of habitats, Chile is one of the top birding destinations in South America and supports an interesting range of breeding and visiting birds, including the Chilean Tinamou, Juan Fernandez Firecrown and a number of other endemic species.
This comprehensive field guide covers all of the species recorded in Chile, including vagrants; all are illustrated in superb detail, and feature every major plumage variation. Concise species accounts describe key identification features, status, range, habitat and voice, and accurate distribution maps are also provided for every species. Together, these elements make this the essential field guide to the birds of this fascinating and beautiful region.
This is a field guide covering all species occurring in the country of Chile. Chile holds a great diversity of habitat types, from the Andes in the north down to the tundra and sub-Antarctic rainforest of Tierra del Fuego in the far south. Chile supports an interesting range of breeding and visiting birds, including nine species found nowhere else in the world.
This guide features concise, identification-focused text positioned opposite the colour plates to allow quick and easy reference. Detailed distribution maps are provided for every species, completing the essential field guide to the birds of this spectacular and tourist-friendly country.
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* Freytag & Berndt,
wegenkaart Chili 1:1.200.000 (maart 2025),
ISBN 9783707923292, €14,95
Touristische Informationen, Entfernungen in km, Nationalparks. Laufzeit bis 2014. Mehrfarbendruck. Gefalzt , in deutscher, spanischer, englischer, niederländischer / flämischer, französischer und italienischer Sprache.
* World Mapping Project, Chili 1:1.600.000 (11e ed.2020), ISBN 9783707923292, (met hoogtelijnen, hoogtereliëfaanduiding, UTM gradennet geschikt voor GPS, waterbestendig) uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump, €11,95
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This map also includes a detailed map of Santiago do Chile, the capital of Chile, for the simple reason that all flights to Easter Island originate in that city, so everyone going to Easter Island needs a map of Santiago as well.
* ITMB, Patagonia/Tierra del Fuego Travel Ref Map 1:2m/1:750.000 (6e ed.2023), ISBN 9781771296281, €13,95
* ITMB, Chile South and Patagonia Travel Reference Map 1:1.250.000/1:2.000.000 (2e ed.2019), ISBN 9781771291651, €13,95
* ITMB, Santiago & Northern Chile Travel Reference Map 1:12.500/1:720.000 (mei 2019), ISBN 9781771297127, €13,95
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topografische kaarten, wandelkaarten:

* Viachile Ed., Putre - Lauca 1:100.000/30.000,
ISBN 9789568925079, €19,95
* ChiliMap, Rapa Nui [Paaseiland] 1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925086, €19,95
* ChiliMap, Melado - Vn San Pedro 1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925031, €19,95
* ChiliMap, Nevados de Chillán 1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925109, €€19,95
* ChiliMap, Antuco 1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925093, €19,95
* ChiliMap, Pucón 1:100.000, ISBN 9789568925048, €19,95
* ChiliMap, Cabo Froward 1:100.000, ISBN 9789568925123, €19,95
* ChiliMap, Conguillio 1:100.000, ISBN 9789568925185, (1e ed.2012), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Cajon del Maipo 1:100.000/1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925192 (1e ed.2012), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Costa del Maule 1:180.000/1:15.000, ISBN 9789568925215 (1e ed.2012), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Llanquihue 1:150.000/1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925246, (2016), €19,95

* ChiliMap, Costa del Maule 1:180.000/1:125.000,
ISBN 9789568925215 (5e ed.2012), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Condor Circuit 1:50.000/1:25.000, ISBN 9789568925253 (5e ed.2016), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Trekking Map Rio Los Cipreses 1:100.000/1:25.000, ISBN 9789568925260 (2014), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Trekking Map La Campana 1:30.000, ISBN 9789568925277 (1e ed.2016), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Trekking Map Puyehue 1:25.000/1:75.000, ISBN 9789568925291 (1e ed.2015), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Trekking Map Altos de Teno 1:150.000/1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925307 (1e ed.2017), €19,95

* ChiliMap, Reserva Huilo Huilo 1:75.000/1:20.000,
ISBN 9789568925352 (1e ed.2015), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Trekking Map Laguna del Maule 1:35.000, ISBN 9789568925383 (1e ed.2015), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Trekking Map Cochamó - Puelo 1:75.000/1:25.000, ISBN 9789568925413 (1e ed.2017), €19,95
* ChiliMap, Trekking Map Lonquimay-Conguillío 1:100.000/1:50.000, ISBN 9789568925420 (2e ed.2017), €19,95
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *