S a i n t L u c i a
reisboeken en landkaarten
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Saint Lucia is een onafhankelijke eilandnatie in het Caribisch gebied. Het eiland heeft een landoppervlakte van 606 km² en telt ca.180.000 inwoners. Het eiland behoort tot de Bovenwindse Eilanden en ligt ten noorden van Saint Vincent en de Grenadines en ten zuiden van Martinique. Hoofdstad: Castries. Landnummer: +758. Valuta: Oost-Caribische dollar.

* W
ILLIAMS, Lizzie -
St Lucia & Dominica, uitg.: Footprint Publishers (okt.2017),
ISBN 9781911082262, paperback, formaat
115x178mm, €12,95
Lush, tropical landscapes define this area of the Caribbean. From the low-key and traditional Dominica to the spectacular mountains of St Lucia, there is much to explore. This Footprint Handbook provides invaluable information on transport, accommodation, eating and entertainment to ensure that your trip includes the best of these accessible and rewarding Caribbean destinations.
Essentials section with useful advice on getting to and around St Lucia & Dominica.Comprehensive, up-to-date listings of where to eat, sleep and relax. Includes information on tour operators and activities, from diving in turquoise waters to admiring the French colonial architecture. Detailed maps for St Lucia & Dominica.
Slim enough to fit in your pocket. With detailed information on all the main sights, plus many lesser-known attractions, Footprint's St Lucia & Dominica Handbook (Includes Fort-de-France (Martinique), Castries, Soufrière & Roseau) provides concise and comprehensive coverage of one of the Caribbean s most undiscovered regions.
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* S
St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, [Handbuch für individuelles Entdecken. Die zentralen Kleinen Antillen mit diesem praktischen Urlaubshandbuch entdecken, erleben und genießen], uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (6e ed. 2013),
ISBN 9783831723201, paperback, 300 blz., bevat ruim 50 kleurenfoto's en 20 landkaarten/plattegronden,
[Duitstalig] €17,50
Dieser kompakte Reiseführer ist das optimale Handbuch, um die Zentralen Kleinen Antillen (Windward Islands) zu entdecken! Es enthält viele nützliche Tipps, Empfehlungen und Reise-Know-how zu St. Lucia, zu St. Vincent und die Grenadinen (Bequia, Mustique, Canouan, Mayreau, Tobago Cays, Union Island, Palm Island und Petit St. Vincent) sowie zu Grenada (mit Carriacou und Petite Martinique). Die Autorin verbringt (auch aus familiären Gründen) jedes Jahr mehrere Monate in der Karibik.
Mit diesem aktuellen Reiseführer die Zentralen Kleinen Antillen (Windward Islands) entdecken! Er enthält viele nützliche Tipps, Empfehlungen und Reise-Know-how zu St. Lucia, zu St. Vincent und die Grenadinen (Bequia, Mustique, Canouan, Mayreau, Tobago Cays, Union Island, Palm Island und Petit St. Vincent) sowie zu Grenada (mit Carriacou und Petite Martinique). Die Autorin verbringt auch aus familiären Gründen jedes Jahr mehrere Monate in der Karibik.
Alle praktischen Reisefragen von A bis Z, kompetent und detailliert beantwortet. Sorgfältige Beschreibung aller Inseln, Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten.
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* E
LLIS, Guy -
St Lucia: Helen of the West Indies, uitg.: MacMillan-Caribbean (4th ed.2006),
ISBN 9781405066457, paperback, 94 blz., €12,95
Saint Lucia is a Caribbean island that truly lives up to its travel brochure descriptions: an island of breathtaking beauty with miles of magnificent coastline, panoramic mountain views, lush vegetation, and favorable climate.
Its people, history, language, and culture are a blend of the rich heritage of Africa, France, and England.
It is the home of the only drive-in volcano in the world, where the fascinating Sulphur Springs bubble.
In this comprehensice guide, updated with all new photographs, Guy Ellis provides a profile of this 'Helen of the West Indies'. A journalist for more than four decades, he edited the islands leading newspaper, The Voice, for 20 years. As one who remains in touch with every development that takes place on the island, he is well qualified to write this guide to his mother country.
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Saint Lucia (&Dominica) 1:40.000 (okt.2013),
ISBN 9781553411642, €13,95
* GIZI-maps, St Lucia 1:50.000, uitg.: GiziMaps (2017), ISBN 9789638746542, €15,95
Een gedetailleerde natuurkundige wegenkaart van St. Lucia. Hoogteverschillen worden aangegeven door hoogtezonekleuren en spothoogten. Er worden vijf soorten wegen aangegeven, variërend van tracks tot snelwegen, maar ook wandelpaden. Met symbolen worden toeristische trekpleisters, variërend van golfbanen, duikcentra, kerken en forten, grotten, koraalriffen, duiklocaties en mangrovemoerassen aangegeven. De legenda is in vier talen, waaronder Engels; de kaart is in het Engels. Met index/register.
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uitverkochte -dus niet meer leverbare- gidsen:
* ELLIS, Guy - St Lucia: Helen of the West Indies, uitg.: MacMillan Caribbean (4e ed. 2007), ISBN 9781405066457, paperback, 104 blz., bevat vele kleurenfoto's, UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
Saint Lucia is a Caribbean island which truly lives up to its travel brochure descriptions; an island of breath taking beauty with its miles of magnificent coastline, panoramic mountain views, lush vegetation and favourable climate. Its people, history, language and culture are a blend of the rich heritage of Africa, France and England. It is the home of the only drive-in volcano in the world where the fascinating Sulphur Springs bubble. In recent years, while managing to retain its serenity and unspoilt natural beauty, along with the warmth of its hospitality, Saint Lucia has also succeeded in attracting a growing number of tourists by providing a wide range of facilities.In this comprehensive guide, Guy Ellis provides detail of all these facilities in addition to introducing the reader to the many aspects of Saint Lucia, including a fascinating account of Saint Lucia's once turbulent history. He is editor of the bi-weekly newspaper, The Voice, which brings him into continuous touch with everything happening on the island so that he is well qualified to write this guide to his mother country.
* INSIGHT GUIDES - Insight Pocket Guide: St Lucia , uitg.: APA Publications (okt.2017), ISBN 9781780059068, paperback, 128 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
This attractive and highly informative Insight Compact Guide is the ideal companion for your trip to the idyllic Caribbean island of St. Lucia. The top 10 sights are highlighted and include the beach at Anse Chastanet, the beautiful Diamond Falls and the dramatic volcanic backdrop to the island, known as the Pitons. A useful star system grades the main attractions, helping you to set your sight-seeing priorities. Colour-coded and easy-to-read sections cover everything from the island's rich, and at times turbulent, history and vibrant culture, to entertainment, food and drink. There are easy-to-follow routes provided within this guide, or you can simply pick the sights that interest you; in either case all main sights, including those particularly good for watersports, are cross-referenced on detailed full-colour maps throughout, providing instant orientation. Full-colour photographs provide a visual introduction to this alluring destination and also make this guide a great souvenir after your trip. Practical travel information covers transport, accommodation, restaurants and more so you have all the information you need at your fingertips, including essential contact details. Small in size but big on detail, this guide is both durable and ultra portable, so it can go, wherever you go.
* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *