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Zambia interglobaal:
Officiële naam: Republiek Zambia (voorheen: North-Rhodesia, onafhankelijk van Groot-Brittannië sinds 24 oktober 1964), Oppervlakte: circa 752,614 km2. Aantal inwoners: ca. 11.500.000
Hoofdstad: Lusaka (ca. 1 miljoen inw.); andere steden: Kitwe, Ndola, Livingstone, Kabwe.
Talen: Engels (officieel), Bemba, Kaonda, Lozi, Lunda en veel lokale talen
Munteenheid: Kwacha (1 Euro = ca. 24,92 ZMK)
Tel. internationaal voorkiesnr.: +260
Tijdsverschil met Nederland: GMT+2 (éen uur later gedurende onze wintertijd; geen tijdsverschil gedurende onze zomertijd)
Visum: ja; aanvragen bij
Ambassade van Zambia, Molièrelaan 469, B-1060 Brussel, België, tel.: +322-3435649; fax: +322-3474333
Voor een bezoek aan Zambia heeft u een visum nodig. Een visum kunt u verkrijgen bij de Ambassade van Zambia in Brussel. Het is echter ook mogelijk het visum te verkrijgen bij aankomst op het vliegveld in Lusaka.
De kosten bedragen: ca.50 USD (single entry); ca.80 USD (double entry); ca.160 USD (multiple entry) [wijzigingen voorbehouden!]
Het komt voor dat de douane vraagt om een retourticket te overleggen.
reisboeken en landkaarten
zie rechterkolom voor bestelinformatie

* H
UPE, Ilona & Manfred Vachal -
Reisen in Zambia: Zambia komplett: Alle Nationalparks, interessante Allradstrecken, wertvolle GPS-Daten. Ein Reisebegleiter für Natur und Abenteuer, uitg.: Hupe Vlg., (2e editie 2020),
ISBN 9783932084881, paperback, ca.416 blz., bevat 301 z/w- en 78 kleurenfoto's en talrijke landkaartjes en plattegronden
[Duitstalig] €28,70
Der erfolgreiche Klassiker aus dem Hupe Verlag: Seit dem Jahr 1996 publizierte der Hupe Verlag 14 Editionen von "Reisen in Zambia und Malawi". Mit diesem neuen Werk erscheint der Pionier deutscher Zambia-Reiseliteratur nun in einer neuen Ausgabe: Nur für Zambia (Sambia) - Vollständig in Farbe - Topp-aktuell!
Der neue Reiseführer beinhaltet wie immer ausführliche Darstellung der Naturräume und der afrikanischen Flora und Fauna (mit Tier- und Pflanzenführer), detaillierte Streckenbeschreibungen mit GPS-Angaben für Autofahrer und Reisebeschreibungen mit hervorragenden farbigen Karten. Viele Seiten "Service & Infos": Zahlreiche Tipps für die afrikanische Wildnis und zum Selbstorganisieren von Safaris; verlässliche Preisangaben und Adressen.
Aktuell recherchierte Reisetipps und ausführliche, detaillierte Informationen zu allen Landesteilen mit der bekannten Gründlichkeit des Hupe-Verlagsteams.
Ausführliche Darstellung der Naturräume und der afrikanischen Flora und Fauna (mit Tier- und Pflanzenführer). Detaillierte Streckenbeschreibungen mit GPS-Angaben für Autofahrer. Viele Seiten "Service & Infos": Zahlreiche Tipps für die afrikanische Wildnis und zum Selbstorganisieren von Safaris; verlässliche Preisangaben und Adressen.
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* L
Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi, uitg.: Lonely Planet (3e ed. sep.2017),
ISBN 9781786570437, paperback, 256 blz., €23,90
Lonely Planet Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Visit the largest waterfalls on earth at Victoria Falls, canoe past swimming elephants in Lower Zambezi, or hike the dramatic scenery of Mt Mulanje; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi and begin your journey now!
Inside Lonely Planet Zambia, Mozambique & Malawi Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout. Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests. Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots
Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices. Inspirational images, author recommendations and destination highlights. Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip.
Coverage Includes: Lusaka, Chipata, Zambezi River, Kafue National Park, Victoria Falls, Lake Kariba, Mozambique Island, Maputo, Quirimbas Archipelago, Lake Niassa, Chimanimani Mountains, Lake Malawi, Mt Mulanje, Lilongwe.
Planning chapters, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, Understand and Survival chapters.
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* M
CINTYRE, Chris & Susie McIntyre -
Zambia Luangwa Valley -Lower Zambezi - Victoria Falls: the Bradt Travel Guide, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides Ltd. (7e ed.aug.2023),
ISBN 9781804690154, paperback, 496 blz., formaat ca.
13,5X21,5cm, €27,90
For over 25 years, Bradt's Zambia has been widely acknowledged as the best guidebook on the market, with superior coverage in almost every field. In this new edition, background information - history, culture and natural history - remains as comprehensive as ever, while practical guidance, including in-depth reviews of lodges, hotels and campsites, is now stronger than ever for Victoria Falls and Zambia's top national parks and wildlife areas. This edition, whilst still providing full coverage of the country, concentrates on the places that people really want to visit in Zambia: Zambia's game-rich safari regions and wildlife areas, along with the Victoria Falls. Also included are GPS coordinates for the small but growing number of self-drive visitors to Zambia, plus information on walking safaris and activities at Victoria Falls and on the Zambezi. Advice for the independent traveller encompasses everything from choosing first-class bushcamps, lodges and hotels to organising memorable safaris.
- Detailed coverage of national parks. Wildlife species identification plus details of flora and fauna highlights on a regional basis. Comprehensive listings provide a mine of information on individual lodges and camps. Adventure activities such as white-water rafting and canoeing on the Zambezi, and microlighting above Victoria Falls. People and culture, including festivals, dancing and crafts.
Experienced travel writers Chris and Susie McIntyre – both Africa experts, with Susie having grown up in Zambia – use their decades of safari experience and in-depth knowledge of the Zambian safari scene to provide accurate, honest and upbeat descriptions, anecdotes and advice.
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* L
ORYMAN, Andrew -
Zambia - Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, uitg.: Kuperard (2018),
ISBN 9781857338775, paperback, 168 blz., formaat ca.17x11cm, €11,95
Culture Smart! Zambia offers the reader a glimpse behind the tourist panorama of unspoilt nature and the busy urban life, luxury hotels, shopping malls, and rush-hour bottlenecks of Zambia’s big cities. It paints a vivid picture of the psyche of a people who have been shaped by their geography and history.
Zambia is a scenic utopia with a stunning landscape of forest, woodland, and grassland traversed by mighty rivers whose journeys are marked by floodplains, swamps, waterfalls, lakes, and long, languid loops to the sea. In Zambia the “real Africa” of old mixes comfortably with the new. This large, landlocked country in central southern Africa is named after the mighty Zambezi River, which rises in the remote Kalene Hills in its northwest. Mineral-rich, with vast untapped agricultural, water, energy, and human potential, Zambia sits on the investor’s leader board for Africa.
The Zambian people reflect the blend of traditional and modern Africa. A nation made up of more than seventy ethnic groups, it has moved through diverse tribal histories, European colonization, socialist philosophy and rhetoric, and, finally, a gung-ho charge into multiparty capitalism in the early 1990s. This pocket guide provides a rare insight into the feelings, behavior, and ideas that permeate Zambian society, which will enable visitors to understand their hosts more fully and make the most of their stay.
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* D
E-BIZ Guide Zambia, uitg.: E-biz Guides (2019),
ISBN 9788493397890, paperback, ca.200 blz.,
[Engelstalig] €20,95
Zambia, country, investment, guide, guidebook, business, entertainment, top 100 companies, legal framework, infrastructure, energy, education, hotels, resources, history, construction, finance, health, tourism, mining, real estate, government, restaurants, leisure, where to go, where to eat, what to see.
The concept of eBizguides: eBizguides aims to provide on-the-ground information about the country economic performance, the main investment opportunities and acute business intelligence research about who are the leaders and influencers of the country and which are the top 100 companies. All you need to know about doing business in a country and in a unique publication that also includes a small tourism guide. eBizguides are the world's leading business intelligence guidebooks.
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* World Mapping Project,
Sambia (Zambia) 1:1.000.000, uitg.: Reise KnowHow Verlag P.Rump (2017),
ISBN 9783831773909, €11,95
* TRACKS4AFRICA - Zambia 1:1.000.000, uitg.: Tracks4Africa (2019), ISBN 9780994720832, €24,95
The Tracks4Africa paper map of Zambia was bound to be published sooner or later. We updated our GPS maps for years on end and have send in many research parties to update the minor roads and tracks in the parks of Zambia. This 1:1million scale map of Zambia is now the most up to date printed map for the self-drive traveller available.
You will find that all major and minor roads are included together with a vast network of minor gravel and off-road tracks in the rural areas. All national parks and game reserves are covered and more prominent parks such as the Kafue, Liuwa Plain and South Luangwa has detailed inserts. We have also shown the locations of major tourist attractions and land marks.
Zambia’s country shape does not lend itself to be printed on one side of a our standard paper size. We aim to bring a lot of detail into our maps and therefor we print country maps on a scale of 1:1 million which necessitates the country to be split in east and west sides and printed on both sides of the paper.
* ITMB Travel Reference Map, Zambia 1:680.000, uitg.: ITMB Publishing (2020), ISBN 9781771299213, bevat beknopte plattegrond van Lusaka, €13,95
* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *