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reisgidsen en landkaarten
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* H
UTCHINSON, P. & Claire Boobbyer -
Footprint Belize Guatemala & Southern Mexico Handbook, uitg.: Footprint Handbooks (4e ed. juni 2019),
ISBN 9781911082637, paperback, 464 blz.,
Discover the Maya route with detailed listings for all three countries, including San Cristóbal de las Casas, Lake Atitlán and Xunantunich. Comprehensive coverage of the best adventure activities, including diving the Blue Hole in Belize and cenotes in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, plus the lowdown on canyoning, caving, mountain biking, rafting, trekking and watersports galore. Essentials section packed with top tips and travellers tales.
Great coverage of the top activities and sights in the region, including jungle-shrouded ruins, basking in crystal clear cayes, historic churches, delicious cuisine, and exploring volcanic cones • Loaded with information and suggestions on how to get off the beaten track, from birding spots in Belize to forgotten cities of ancient civilizations • Includes comprehensive information on everything from transport and practicalities to history, culture & landscape • Plus all the usual accommodation, eating and drinking listings for every budget • Full-colour planning section to inspire you and help you find the best experiences From idyllic Caribbean waters to awe-inspiring caves, Footprint’s fully updated 4th edition will help you navigate this compelling destination.
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* ARGUETA, A. - Moon Handbook Guatemala, uitg.: Avalon Travel (5e ed. 2015), ISBN 9781631211324, paperback, 552 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
Packed with information on dining, transportation, and accommodations Moon Guatemala has lots of options for a range of travel budgets. Every Moon guidebook includes recommendations for must-see sights and many area, regional, and city-centered maps. Including experienced advice on visiting Lake Atitlan, La Antigua, and the variety of museums in Guatemala City, Moon Guatemala gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience. With expert writers, first-rate strategic advice, and an essential dose of humor, Moon Handbooks are the cure for the common trip.
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* I
Guatemala, Belize and Yucatan Insight Guide, uitg.: APA Publications (4e ed.dec.2018),
ISBN 9781786717894, paperback, 384 blz.,
This fully updated new edition features illuminating text written by expert, local writers alongside inspiring full-colour photography, including over 250 brand new photographs that will bring Guatemala, Belize and Yucatan's people and places to life, at the turn of a page. The top attractions are highlighted to help you plan your trip priorities and a brand new 'Best of' section features recommendations on many exclusive experiences. An in-depth 'Places' section covers the entire region with all the principal sites cross-referenced by number to accompanying full-colour maps throughout the guide. Additional maps inside the front and back covers enable instant orientation and easy navigation at a glance. Attractive colour-coded sections contain fascinating features that explore history and culture. A comprehensive 'Travel Tips' section provides essential practical information, covering transport, visas and passports, accommodation for all budgets, climate, the arts, shopping, language and much more, along with useful contact telephone numbers to help you book activities in advance.
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* L
Guatemala Travel Guide, uitg.: Lonely Planet Publications (8e ed.sep.2023)
, ISBN 9781788684316, paperback, 256 blz., bevat 46 landkaarten/plattegronden, €21,90
Geschiedenis, cultuur, natuurschoon, majestueuze ruïnes en prachtig koloniaal straatbeeld: Guatemala heeft alles waar een reiziger op kan hopen. In deze gids vind je inspirerende afbeeldingen, 3D-illustraties, stadswandelingen en aanbevelingen van onze deskundige auteurs. Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip. Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique. Plus a guide to exploring Maya ruins.
Coverage includes: Planning chapters, Guatemala City, Antigua, The Highlands, The Pacific Slope, Central Guatemala, Eastern Guatemala, El Petén, Understand and Survival chapters.
More cultural coverage than any other guidebook, including specialist-written Ancient Mayan Culture chapter. 256 pages of expert itineraries and 35 pages of maps. Resident author guides you through seldom-visited towns. The best of Guatemala accommodation.
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* L
Central America on a Shoestring: Big Trips on small Budgets, uitg.: Lonely Planet Publications (10e ed.juli 2019),
ISBN 9781786574930, paperback, 768 blz., €23,90
Beschrijft: Yucatan Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica en Panama. Inspirational images, 3D illustrations and recommendations from our expert authors. Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip. Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique. Plus packed with activities like hiking, rafting and surfing.
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* S
TEWART, Iain -
Rough Guide to Guatemala, uitg.: Rough Guides Ltd. (7e ed aug.2019),
ISBN 9781789194494, paperback, 416 blz., bevat 48 landkaarten/plattegronden,
The Rough Guide to Guatemala is the essential companion to this astonishing country with detailed coverage of all the main attractions - from the volcanoes and crater lakes to the culturally-rich capital of Guatemala City. The full-colour introduction highlights the spectacular natural beauty of the beaches and wild-life reserves with stunning photography and the essential list of 'what not to miss'. There are informative accounts of all the Mayan ruins, with detailed historical backgrounds, and how to get the most from each sight, as well as thorough explorations of those hidden gems, including the breathtaking Lake Atilán region and the jungle of Verapaz.
You'll find new colour sections about Indigenous Costumes and Mayan Architecture, dozens of easy-to-use maps, as well as countless accommodation and restaurant reviews and tips to find the best fiestas and highland markets. The guide has all the practical information you need to get there, travel around with ease and ensure you don't miss the unmissable.
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* T
Guatemala Belize, uitg.: Lannoo (april 2024),
ISBN 9789401499880, paperback, ca.328 blz., €24,99
Verken in Candelaria de grootste grotten van Centraal-Amerika. Bezoek de fabelachtige piramides van Tikal, diep verscholen in het bos.
Bewonder het betoverende meer van Atitlán, omgeven door vulkanen. Meng je tussen de menigte op de beroemde markt van Chichicastenango.
Een uitgebreide selectie logies, restaurants, cafés en winkels voor elk budget en voor elke stemming: goedkoop kamperen, luxueus dineren, authentieke bars afschuimen. Alle bezienswaardigheden worden uitvoerig beschreven en overzichtelijk ingedeeld: 3 Trottermannetjes voor de hoogtepunten, 2 of 1 voor de minder bekende, maar toch niet te missen plekjes. Met handige overzichtskaarten en gedetailleerde stadsplattegronden waarop alle adressen en bezienswaardigheden gelokaliseerd zijn.
Het echte verhaal achter de klassieke trekpleisters. Unieke topervaringen en verborgen parels naast de platgetreden paden.
Persoonlijke anekdotes en gouden tips van Trotter-reizigers.
Honderden uitgeteste horeca-adressen in alle prijscategorieën.
20 kaarten in kleur waarop je al onze adressen terugvindtHonderden budgetvriendelijke en uitgeteste horeca-adressen - 22 kaarten en plattegronden waarop je al onze adressen terug vindt.
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* I
Travel Map Guatemala 1:470.000,
ISBN 9781553412342, met hoogtelijnen, toeristische informatie, bijkaarten €13,95
* World Mapping Project, Guatemala | Belize 1:500.000, ISBN 9783831772889, uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (2018), €11,95
* ITMB, Travel Map Yucatan Peninsula 1:500 000 (met Belize en noord-Guatemala), toeristische informatie, archeologische vindplaatsen, 4 bijkaarten, ISBN 9781553410638, €13,95

* Nelles Map
Central America: Yucatán Belize Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama 1:1.750.000 / 1:900.000, uitg.: Nelles Verlag (
ISBN 9783865747990, bevat de volgende detailkaarten: Cancún 1:110.000, Costa Rica 1:900.000, Chichén Itzá 1:10.500, Copán 1:5.800, Isla Cozumel 1:450.000, Isla de Coco 1:100.000, Isla Mujeres 1:50.000, Lago de Atitlán 1:330.000, Palenque 1:5.800, Riviera Maya 1:416.500, Tikal 1:16.000, Tulum 1:4.500, Uxmal 1:9.000 en beknopte stadsplattegronden van Antigua Guatemala 1:11.100, Campeche 1:13.000, Central San José 1:11.500, Ciudad de Guatemala 1:36.000 en Mérida 1:18.000, €11,50
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uitverkochte -dus niet meer leverbare- gidsen
* KUSTERS, Marja - Dominicus: Guatemala, Honduras en Belize, uitg. Gottmer (feb.2012), ISBN 9789025746858, paperback, ca.300 blz., UITVERKOCHT - NIET MEER LEVERBAAR
Een complete Dominicusgids met achtergrondinformatie van alle bezienswaardigheden, handige tips en betrouwbare kaarten en plattegronden. Marja Kusters maakte vele reizen door Latijns-Amerika. Ze geeft les op de Hogeschool Utrecht.
* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *