T u r k m e n i s t a n
reisboeken en landkaarten
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* B
Turkmenistan, uitg.: Bradt Travel Guides (2005),
ISBN 9781841621449, paperback, 256 blz., bevat 23 landkaarten en plattegronden,
Turkmenistan is one of the few countries of any size left on the globe which is not the subject of a dedicated travel guide in English. Yet, lying as it does at the heart of the Silk Road route, it is a historically and culturally rich land; and travellers can gain insight into the heritage with the clear itineraries supplied of the major archaeological sites of Merv and Konye Urgench and coverage of Turkmen pilgrimage shrines. For travellers looking to explore further afield, this guide spans the whole country comprehensively, including little-known sites such as the Yangakala canyon and the flaming crater at Darvaza. Turkmenistan is currently one of the safest countries in the Central Asia region, particularly where personal safety is concerned. This is the first dedicated travel guide to Turkmenistan. It caters for all travellers: business people, volunteer workers, archaeologists and intrepid adventurers. Silk Road archaeological treasures, ex-Soviet era relics and post-independence monuments. Horse trekking, how to buy Turkmen carpets and other highlights. Paperwork, visas and how to surmount red tape.

* L
Central Asia (7e ed. juni 2018) [This guide covers: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan],
ISBN 9781786574640, paperback, 512 blz., bevat 12 pp in kleur en 68 kaarten /plattegronden, €26,90
With its medieval blue-domed cities, kinetic bazaars and remote yurtstays, Central Asia encapsulates the romance of the Silk Road like nowhere else.
Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Central Asia, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice: inspirational images, best planning advice, local secrets, top sights in full detail and recommendations from our expert planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip.
Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique.
Plus visa & permit information, activities, community-based tourism and the Silk Road.
Coverage includes: Planning chapters, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Understand and Survival chapters. information includes trekking and community-based tourism. Full info on visas, travel permits and crossing remote borders.
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* L
UCKOW, Beate -
Turkmenistan: Versunkene Wüstenstädte an der Seidenstraße, uitg.: Trescher Verlag (3e ed. maart 2019),
ISBN 9783897944152, paperback, 240 blz., geheel in kleur, bevat stadsplattegronden en overzichtskaarten,
[Duitstalig] €18,95
Turkmenistan ist eines der am wenigsten erkundeten Länder der südlichen Seidenstraße. Zu Unrecht, denn der mittelasiatische Staat kann auf eine jahrtausendealte Geschichte zurückblicken. Die Einflüsse zahlreicher Kulturen lassen sich an einer Vielzahl beeindruckender Bauwerke ablesen. Aber auch die faszinierende Landschaft der Karakum-Wüste und die gastfreundlichen Turkmenen, die sich bis heute einen Teil ihrer nomadischen Traditionen bewahrt haben, machen das Land zu einem lohnenswerten Reiseziel.Dieser Reiseführer stellt das Land und seine Bewohner ausführlich vor. Neben umfangreichen Informationen zu Geschichte und Kultur, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und den kunsthandwerklichen Traditionen gibt es viele Hinweise zur Reisevorbereitung und zum Reisen im Land.
Alle Regionen Turkmenistans auf 240 Seiten, ausführliche Reisetipps. Umfassende Informationen zu Geschichte und Gegenwart, Kultur und Natur. Beschreibung bedeutender Baudenkmäler und Ruinen an der Seidenstraße. Sehenswürdigkeiten in Ashgabat, Exkursionen in die Wüste Karakum. 24 farbige Stadtpläne und Übersichtskarten, mehr als 150 Farbfotos.
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* P
ANDER, Klaus -
Zentralasien: Usbekistan, Kirgistan, Tadschikistan, Turkmenistan, Kasachstan, [DuMont Kunst-Reiseführer] uitg.: DuMont Reiseverlag (9e ed.2013),
ISBN 9783770136803, paperback, 384 blz., bevat kaarten en plattegronden, €29,80
Der Autor, Klaus Pander, ist ein ausgewiesener Kenner des Reisegebiets. Seine über Jahrzehnte gesammelten Erfahrungen als wissenschaftlicher Reiseleiter zwischen Amu Darja und Syr Darja hat er in diesem Kunst-Reiseführer weitergegeben. Es spricht zweifelsohne für die herausragende Qualität eines Reiseführers, der einer weitgehend unbekannten Region zwischen Europa und Asien gewidmet ist, dass bereits innerhalb weniger Jahre die 8. aktualisierte Auflage auf den Markt gebracht werden konnte.
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* W
ILSON, Paul & Dominic Streatfeild-James -
The Silk Roads: A route and planning guide, uitg.: Trailblazer (2e ed. 2007),
ISBN 9781905864003, paperback, 385 blz., bevat 60 kaarten/plattegronden, 24 kleurenfoto's,
This guide includes: 51 city guides with maps – Where to stay, where to eat and what to see in 51 stopovers along the way, including: Istanbul, Göreme, Antakya, Aleppo, Hama, Palmyra, Damascus, Malatya, Erzurum, Dogubeyazit, Tabriz, Ghazvin, Tehran, Esfahan, Shiraz, Mashad, Merv, Ashgabat, Konye-Urgench, Nukus, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Osh, Bishkek, Issyk Kul, Song Kul, Karimabad, Gilgit, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Kashgar, Kuqa, Turfan, Khotan, Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Lanzhou, Xian, Pingyao, Datong and Beijing.
Practical information – For travellers in Syria, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and China.
Planning your trip – Information for all budgets whether you're an independent traveller or joining a group.
Also includes lesser-known routes – Southern Taklamakan, Kashgar-Rawalpindi (Karakorum Highway) Marco Polo's route to Xanadu. Extensive history of the Silk Roads. Useful phrases – Arabic, Farsi, Russian and Chinese.

* A
WDE Nicholas & William Dirks & Amandurdy Amandurdyev -
Turkmen-English / English-Turkmen Dictionary & Phrasebook, uitg.: Hippocrene Books (2005),
ISBN 9780781810722, paperback, 207 blz.,
Turkmen, the official language of the Republic of Turkmenistan, is spoken by over 3 million people throughout the world, including areas of Afghanistan and Iran. This guide, complete with a bilingual dictionary and comprehensive dictionary, is an essential tool for students, travelers, and businesspeople: More than 4,000 total dictionary entries. Comprehensive phrasebook. Concise grammar section. Easy-to-use pronunciation guide. Includes cultural information and a brief history of the Turkmen people.
* GIZI MAPS, Turkmenistan 1:1.300.000, uitg.: Gizi Maps (2019) ISBN 9786155010132, €15,90
Turkmenistan at 1:1,300,000 een geïndexeerde kaart met hoogten aanduidingen in kleur en graphics die een uitstekende weergave van de topografie van het land geven, aanduidingen van de routes van de oude Zijderoute, olie- en gasbronnen en pijpleidingen, enz., èn een plattegrond van Ashgabat.
* ITMB, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan 1:1.350.000 (Turk.)/1:1,65M (Afgh.), uitg.: ITMB (juli 2020) ISBN 9781771297998, €13,95
The two countries, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, do share a common heritage, but a very different history. Fiercely independent Afghanistan has been the bane of those wishing to dominate it for centuries. Thus, Afghanistan, lovely though it is as a country, is a failed state and unattractive to tourism. ITMB publishes a separate map of the country, and a map of Kabul. The reason for this map is that it is our first ever map of just Turkmenistan, a former part of the USSR that broke away in the collapse of the Russian empire in 1990. The country has, however, not emerged from the Soviet way of thinking, and is authoritarian in its attitude. It is, fortunately, open to travel, and is slowly improving its facilities, so is to be encouraged. The map includes a very good inset map of Ashgabat, the capital. The publisher has also added eight Top Attractions, ranging from the World Heritage site of Konye to the ancient ruins of Nisa.
* World Mapping Project, Zentralasien | Central Asia (Turkmenistan Kirgizië, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) 1:1.700.000, ISBN 9783831773671, (met hoogtelijnen, hoogtereliëfaanduiding, UTM gradennet geschikt voor GPS, waterbestendig) uitg.: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump (8e ed. 2018), €11,95

* Freytag&Berndt,
wegenkaart Zentralasien 1:1.500.000, | Central Asia (Kazachstan, Kirgizië, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan),
ISBN 9783707909753 (> 2022), €13,95
* Nelles Maps, Central Asia 1:1.750.000 (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, North Eastern Iran), met centrumplattegronden van Ashgabat, Tashkent, Dushanbe, Bishkek, uitg. Nelles Verlag), ISBN 9783865742988, €11,50
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* * * Reisboekhandel INTERGLOBE, Vinkenburgstraat 7, 3512 AA Utrecht * * *